Apr 30, 2003 22:05
scaredguy101: your more of a north person
crackert00t: me?
scaredguy101: thats why i think it's wierd that you go to nw
scaredguy101: you're just so cool and crude
crackert00t: haha.
scaredguy101: and mean, like north people
scaredguy101: you'd fit in'
scaredguy101: oh well
crackert00t: course! id fit in anywhere
crackert00t: haha. jk
scaredguy101: that's cause you're a stud
scaredguy101: i gave you my number when you were drunk at my school during a basketball game and you never called my ass
crackert00t: AHAHA
crackert00t: i never did see that number after that
scaredguy101: haha
scaredguy101: you probably drank it