Oh I don't know

Apr 20, 2004 01:10

I'm housesitting for my friends who randomly decided to go to Europe. How you decide to take a trip like that spur of the moment I will never know but they did so I'm here until tomorrow watching after their 4 cats, 2 dogs, 2 birds, and 879505404 fish. Then one of her sisters comes and takes over. Hooray! They have HBO though so I'm cool. I had to hack into their computer to get online and I feel really sneaky doing it but they also have a fast connection so I'm downloading some music and making cds while I still can. I was looking for the new Avril Lavigne song because yes, I love it, and I found a remix thingy someone did of Blur, The Chemical Brothers and Avril called 'Sweet Sk8ter Bang'. When I stop laughing I'll actually listen to it. Oh and this band I'm listening to - in a word, wonderful. Like errr uhh a bunch of great 80s bands all mixed together. Very retro and trendy! I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume Alicia and Niki probably already have heard of them and/or own their album but I just discovered them a few days ago and just my luck, they're doing an in-store thing at Music Millenium on Friday. Free shows are fun and I'm so there. Speaking of Niki, thank you thank you I once again have the use of my creepy icons so in your honor I'm using the Jude 'holy shit Mr. Wilde I just soiled your expensive linens' icon. :-*

I had dental surgery this week involving root canals on three of my teeth and they yanked one out because it was just way past saving. You'd think I was British or something. I got put to sleep though, so I have this really nice junkie looking bruise on my inner elbow (is that what it's called?) but my dentist is great and doesn't care that I have no insurance. He's the credit dentist. I'm cool now and the nagging evil toothache that's been hindering me for months is finally gone so we can all rejoice and praise Allah.

Being online is making me crosseyed lately. And now, I'm doing that survey.

10 Years Ago, I:
1. A junior in high school.
2. Taking driver's ed and eventually got my license.
3. Living in my mom's motorhome with my creepy boyfriend because there was no room in the house.
4. Went to Germany as an exchange student for a semester.
5. My aol screename was missboo420 and we were cool with a 14k modem

5 Years Ago, I:
1. Lived in San Diego
2. Got access to my trust fund and bought a new car
3. Spent a good part of the year running around Europe
4. Met Rozza in person for the first time <3
5. Turned 21. Heh heh. Subsequently got sent to rehab.

3 Years Ago, I:
1. Finally went back to school.
2. Was a pizza delivery chick.
3. Saw Moulin Rouge like 8 times in the theatre.
4. Went to a whole crapload of concerts with Rozza and stalked a certain band with a vengance.
5. Got this journal

1 Year Ago, I:
1. Graduated, finally.
2. Went to Kentucky and visited Colbey & Tyne. <3
3. Interned at a really cool place and am now sad they didn't offer me a job.
4. My car broke down for the 7876th time so I finally got rid of it and have since been carless.
5. Started roleplaying haha. Maybe that was more than a year ago though.

Yesterday (4.19.04), I:
1. Worked for 3 hours.
2. Took the last of my painkillers. There goes the good times.
3. Watched a lot of television.
4. Decided John C. Reilly is my favorite character actor.
5. Made Slow Comfortable Screws and finally figured out that sloe gin isn't actually gin.

Today, (4.20.04) I:
1. Watched even more television and decided I need to find a new hobby.
2. Got in a pudding fight with my nephew.
3. Hacked into this computer. Felt bad afterwards.
4. Downloaded a bunch of music illegally.
5. Realized its 4-20 (heheheheheh pot) and also my step-nephew's birthday so I need to get him a present.
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