Mar 14, 2005 12:52
WoOooOoo..., funnnnnn spring break so far. highlights....
Friday, get adorable new bikini, logans house with victoria and thomas and logan.
Saturday, bob hall and jp luby. fun. gross old men who want us to "take of our bathing suits" EW. PAT FUCKIN GREEN and gary allen that night with hannah and lauren and tons of other fun people. funnnn timme.
Sunday, bob hall with blakely and brittany and to jp but never stopped. Then home. Then victorias and walk to logans BRANDON who i havent seen in long time was there and logan and thomas and us. fun fun. until me and victoria walked back to try to scare them and they jumped out from behind the car! RAAAR! uh oh. scary. bye.
Monday(today), wake up, come home from victorias. want to go to beach. cold. no one at beach. what do i do.... :/