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Nov 29, 2004 15:38

heylo..well ... sam came over last nite... she ran away 4um home so she slept over mi house.... we got really drunk and we hung out with chris at like 330am ... till sam started pukin everywheres and yeah.. so we snuck bak in and she continued pukin then i puked and yeah.. but we had ALOT of fun.. yeah i finished the masterpiece on mi leg... im very emo right now... laura isnt mi friend and marcone decided he dosnt noe me nemore... im so upset... i miss marcone...im like gunna die if he dosnt talk to me at all nemore... ::sigh:: omg... iono.. chris gave me a play boy bunny pillow.. i took it with me to skool and i slept in 2nd hour... and yeah.. iono i didnt go to 5th i skipped.. and i didnt go to 6th.. i had fun at lunch... georgie is really nice.. skunk humped me.. =/ weird kid gotta love him.. yeah me and georgie had fun with sam on the way to skool... i love georgie and sam.. i love all the "darks" georgies not a dark hes a light but u noe... hes mi bestestestest....etc friend so yeah... uhh iono i feel like shit and im trying to get marcone to talk to me... ='( ::emo tear:: why dosnt ne1 like me?!.. bye savannah
oh yeah.. and i got the new eminem cd.. <33
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