Nov 01, 2004 00:22
heylo!! today was halloween!! i had such a good time!! i met chandler for the first time!! aww omg hes so fucking adorible!!!!!!!! <333333333333 yeah thats mi hubby!! go me!! im a child molester!hes only 13 lol!! yeah n i was a fairy!! i looked like a whore but i REALLY liked mi costume!! i thought it was mad cute!! i dont care wat every1 else said... haha teris crush denis pops up outa nowhere n he checks me out n was like "woah!" it was cute!! that kid is so adorible!! damn i wish i was 13 again!! (LOL) oh yeah!! i went to teri n ash's cheer compition 2day and OMG!! i ignored junior for the 1st time EVER!!!!!!! i was so proud of miself!! wow!! i didnt think i had it in me!! (LOL) go me!! ::dances:: it was an interesting comp... i got bitched at so many times by fat asses... damn oh well.. yeah newho... bak to halloween.. we met up wit eric jj n christian ... i was mad at eric in the begining cuz he said he hated every1 in mi family cept john... watevr... but yeah..he was oddly cute to me... so yeah we flirted all nite... it was so cute!! aww!! <33 yeah i kept hitting everyone with mi wings (LOL) omg!! we went to this 1 house n this guy walks 4um behind a van n i was like omg!! ahh!! n screamed!! then the guy that i saw laying on the floor wen i walked up which i thought was fake was right behind me wen i turned around!!!! i screamed n ran away! i was crying soon after!! (LOL) good times!! me n katelyn (4um ftmyers) wer moaning cuz ohyeah!! i heard mi mom n john having sex!!!! hahahahahhahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!(LOL) =] it was so fucking funny!! so me n katelyn were moaning like "oh john!" n shit it was so funny!! shes so cool!! yeah n we tpd places.. then we ran round n i walked into eric n he like stuck his figers in mi ginie n yeah.. it was odd!! aww denis is SO CUTE!! he did this flippy thingy n aw i was like " i want one" (LOL)teri is a horrible flirt btw.. god!! all she did was hit him not hit on him!! i gotta teach her!! haha yeah right!!(LOL) yeah.. soon after we went to erics.. after teri n katelyn left, eric was like rubbing mi leg n theigh under the blanket.. weird kid.. n eventually we started making out... for the 1ST TIME!!! (LOL) wen i went out with him we didnt do ANYTHING only cuz i didnt see him since he lives in ftmyers... yeah so it was cute...wen we left eric walked me home n we started making out behind the car n jj n chandler walked up n were watching us... (LOL) weird people.. n they took pictures... yeah then i felt sum1 smack me n i thought it was mi mom but it was teri.. idiot!! so yeah we made out for like longer than 20minutes n erics dad kept calling like sum home now n hes like uhh yeah.. n didnt.. yeah n he was like flipping me n shit n picking me up! was weird but cute..n then he started dancing with me... aww i love him!! hes so adorible... so yeah i guess jordans out of the picture... hes never made out with ne1 so i doubt he can so thats a turn off.. yeah so after eric left i walked chandler n jj to wallgreens n chandler was SO MAD!! omg!he took the being married thing too seriously!! (LOL) its cute tho! (LOL) then he left n he didnt give me a hug..asshole... n he wants to get devorced but hell no! hehe!! so then we walked home(me and jj) n who ever it was picked him up then i walked the rest of the way by miself...then wen i got home everyone was sleeping so i got on the computer... then edit mi journal 4um friday.. n yeah i talked to chandler n hes so mad at me!! aww!! i love him SO MUCH!!!yeah well i gtg.. l8er!! xox!! the faster i go to sleep the faster i see eric!! <33 xoxsavannahxox