Aug 17, 2004 00:06
That's what school is. 1 class with alice (my only friend), and it's with crazy doris. NO classes with mike cimino. *cries* LOL. Juliet's in my spanish class with Alice, too. I went to 2 lunches today, hahaha score. Brian Ivey was the only kid i new in A lunch so I'm just going to go to B lunch from now on. Alice, Juliet, Alexis, Karla, Ryan, Kyle and some other kids are there so it's good. It's still not the same without Jon, though. Hahah, speaking of which, Ms.Rassi looks gross as ever (STILL) I'm going to get a picture of her and post it on here asap. Ahhah well anyways I like all my teachers, I kinda wanted Janet's team but I got another one. Whatever they're all nice. Ummmm no classes with Karla. I was excited because I thought we had one, but nope. Ryan Conley's in science with me, again. Just like old times. "Ryan no ones looking!" *whole class turns around and sees ryan in lip gloss* lol. I feel so bad for Karla, she has Dr.Watson. That's hell. I'm so glad I got him over with. Anyways so that was school. Then after I hung out with Jerm for a little while then I went to kickboxing and hung out with Kevin and blahhh that's it now I'm here, and I have to get my school stuff ready. Bye
p.s. I'm sorrrrrrry