Jun 25, 2007 22:02
so yeah.
its monday..i always have trouble starting off writing.
im watching this lifetime movie about this girl who gets aids...its a crazy movie.
i visited dave this weekend...it was incredible. It always is though. The worst part is leaving...going back to this life...its seems so incredibly useless without him...like i just go through the moments untill i can talk to him, see him, touch him again. i miss him so much.
today was a long fucking day. I had to work. and to make it even better i closed. which was really crazy awesome. (heavy on the sarcasm) on top of that i have this incredibly excrutiating pain in my stomach and it will NOT go away...and im just a fucking hypocondriac i start to feel pain everywhere and think the worst illnesses.
i hate being a hypochondriac.
im really worried about dave.
i havent talked to him barely all day...and last time he called he had a migrane...and now i havee absolutely no idea how he's doing and its killing me.
im so worried about him.
im also bored. which makes my worry 10 times worse.
anyway this aids movie is back on.