Jan 26, 2007 10:45
Ashley and I addressed a couple of issues/areas of concern in regards to our relationship and our living situation. Her promotion ended up being pretty bunk, giving her a mere 40-50 cents more an hour (what kind of "assistant manager" makes less than 9/hr?!?! fuck plaid... DON'T EVER WORK FOR THEM.... unless they improve working conditions).
I really believe she isn't intentionally doing this, and I'm sure the fact that she can't hold her own makes her feel like crap. But with the shit she has to deal with, like Plaid taking up a lot of her time/working odd shifts/sleazy fuckers making passes at her, I told her it's not worth it. Quit. She's worth more than that, and she's better than that. I told her that she could quit in the middle of feburary, regroup for about a week/a few days, and find a different job. She's already had 3 offers (bartending, reception, barista... even bricklaying! *I asked her to send that job to me... it'd be great if I could uphold my family tradition*), but with split days off/working grave and swing shifts, of course she's f'n exhausted.
Finding time to get a new job when you already have one isn't that easy... I know that personally.
She came back with "but that might mean that I could miss a whole pay period!"
I responded: "We've been broke for months. If you find a new job that offers better hours and better pay, I can stick it out. It won't make a difference if you don't get paid at this point."
*at least she'll be able to make her part of rent this month :D*
A while ago, I took into consideration that she made a shitty wage and made the suggestion that she pay $275/mo for rent (which leaves me paying $400). Last month, she wasn't able to make it... which left me to pay it all and a late fee (total = $750 :(). I also told her today that I made that exception, and as soon as she's making a decent wage, we'll have to split costs evenly. I want this to be fair. Kat brought up a good point last night in saying that picking up someone else's slack can lead you to resent them... and I think that's true. I don't want that to happen.
grrz... so I shall give it more time. it isn't easy, and even though I shouldn't have to struggle so much, I love her more than anything in this world. Just that yesterday... well, I had a little breakdown. I wanted to crawl into a cave with meager possesions and live out on my own. Or maybe a house truck :)
I want some apples.