Got tagged by
lepetitbryan. I usually don't do this but here goes...
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it. Avoid tagging people that has been tagged by others too.
These are purely RANDOM:
1. I like the smell of new books/magazines.
2. My underwears are pretty old cos I hardly shop.
3. No matter how late I am, I will still avoid taking a cab.
4. I like to read food labels (Ingredients, Nutrition Facts, writeup) while consuming the food from the package.
5. I create/hum my own songs in my head on mrt/bus, so TV Mobile and MP3 players are more of distractions to me.
6. Before I bite into an apple, I like to hit it first against my two front teeth a few times.
7. I've had only one dog. And have never gotten over her passing.
I think I'm ignoring Rule 2. Anyone - friends, acquiantances or the weary traveller - who sees this and doesn't mind responding, please do.