Jan 09, 2006 20:04
ha ha ok so i didn't realy lose this place but i've just been kinda busy with school and stuff. ok so on my agenda for talking today is the following:
1. School after my last post
2. Women
3. Christmas Break/What I got for christmas
4. School again.
(just so u know.. i don't care if my spelling is correct.. i'm not in englsh class u know!)
ok sooooo yeah so this is gonna be intersting trying to remeber uh... 3 months worth of stuff....last post was in october.... that was a prety good month.... halloween... mmmmm candy. I went trick or treating.. i was a.. cowboy (last minute costume...again) but i got a big load of candy.. altho i gave most of it away to people at school. um what else happened.. oh yeah.. november... yeah... :) that was an intersting month... and this brings us to my next topic. Women.. or should i say girl.... to be more specifif this wonderful person name Danielle or as i call her Hubba Hubba :P (well... i don't always call her that... just sometimes...when she's not looking...) anyhoo i desided to finally ask her out.. and well that was really pathetic.. i didn't really ask her out.. i just stumbled over my words.. and she just agreed to whatever i was asking (sucks for her now :P) so yeah actually that was the most patetic asking outge i've ever done... altho i guess it's bound to happen when you're shy with that stuff...so anyhoo.. it's been over 2 months that we've been dating (i'm really surprised that she's lasted that long with me) and today she told me that she only gives it 4 more months.... :( anyhoo this brings us to Christmas break.. it was really good. let me start with the last day of school. we had our christmas assembly and I was an MC and appearently i was really funny. I made everyone laugh... :) and i wearded a bra infront of half the school.... yeah i'm cool.. it was part of a skit... don't ask.. well if u want to you can then i'll tell u but i'm not going to here.. ok so christmast was good too.. I got $50 from my grandfather which i spent on christmas presents and i got a bunch of stuff for christmas... I gor a DS (that's Nintnedo DS for all you stupid people out there) with Mario Kart (i'm slowly getting Danielle addicted to it) and animal crossing and my brothers and i got Mario&Luigi Partners in time and Battles of Prince Of Persia. I also got a shirt that says "it's not my fault you suck!" which is AWESOME!!! and hmm... i got guniess book of records 2006 and hitchhikers guide to the galexy. hmm waht else.. got some blank cd's (which i need!) and a watch and other stuff.. anyhoo it was good. OH YEAH! got me a cell phone...well it's for my brother and I but still call me... 495-1297 HA HA (don't call it or i'll kill you!) hmm so after that i went over to danielle's place like EVERY day and i'm sure her parents are sick of me by now...but her mom is prety cool. she's like my mother with a different husband.HA HA HA HA HA HA HA (ewww lol) and her brother is a loser.. he trys to be cool way too hard. and that's all i have to say about him...so anyhoo we just hung out.. i didn't get home till usually 12 or later.... and we went to see some mooooovies and had fun (i got to yell at people and knock down a snowman!) and near the end of the holidays i just would go over to her place at well like noon to wake her up... and yeah...blah blah blah she's awesome! So today school started again only for me to learn that i got some stupid ISP for Student Council CAN U BELIEVE THAT!?!?!? STUDENT COUNCIL!!! bahhh i hate that class now. i started making plans for Jr. Semi and it should be good. hmm what else... oh yeah yesterday i spent 6 hours screwing in floorboards at my neighbours house.. my knes are killing me and i gotta do more work.. but it's fine cuz i get money.. (made $50 yeasterday and i'm gonna mke more) oh yeah... money! i just sold my gamecube modchip for $55! that means i got $100 in the bank for New York! and i'm gonna be getting more money soon from doing other work (construction again and computer stuff for my friend and her aunt!) which is awesome (just like danielle because she's awesome!) but still by the end of the month i'll ahve like... $200CAD for taking to New York and hopefully I can get a job.. then i'm gonna put away like... $100something for my drivers license and then i'm gonna take more money to New Yourk.. my goal for May is to get $200 USD.... yeah that's right TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS! but anyhoo i'm done for now.. maybe I'll update this tomrrow or the next day... but i'll TRY and keep it updated more.