Dear Guy who was blocking the entire cheeses in the grocery store with your cart whilst you leisurely deliberated over each and every package of pre-sliced Swiss squares
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dab, I must say I've been entertained and impressed by your blogging over the years. You are a fave. What are you doing for work these days? Your kid must be in college by now...
Your job seems to change a lot, but you are a consistent and interesting blogger. I appreciate that. I thought you were doing something in publishing for a while, though. Am I trippin?
I was doing something in publishing from 1996 until 2004 and again for a short while in 2007, and then I moved to Pittsburgh on THE FOURTH OF JULY in 2007 and have since been teaching and a smattering of other things, but mostly teaching.
It's grown on me, and it's a hell of a lot better than sitting in a tiny office for eight to ten hours a day, five days a week. Besides that, it means that for about fifteen hours a week, there are a total of about eighty people who sit in various classrooms and forced to listen to me.
And I just now looked back at your posts from over the past six years--all twelve or so of them. In 2005, you were working for a design group. Are you still working for them? Also in 2005, you got married. How is that going?
I'm teaching English Comp at two colleges here in Pittsburgh. I've been living here for about 2 1/2 years.
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