Mar 15, 2004 23:35
I was sickened today when i saw someone get shot in the head, and i chuckled. What the heck is wrong with me??? Is it just me? Or have society and the media desensetized us so much to the point where the robbery of a human life not only doesn't affect us, but we accept it as every day happenings? It sickens me.
Can somebody please tell me why premarital sex is cast in such a fun-loving, welcome-to-the-real-world light? I don't know first-hand obviously, but premarital sex just ruins everything. That's a reason why i hate "Friends", sex is seen as a game, as a recreation almost. I mean, seriously! There are diseases, unwanted babies who have to go through life labeled "accident" or "oopsie-dasie". What should the poor kid think? "Oh my parents didn't really want me." "My dad got drunk and beat up my mom, and I was the result of this, I'm a rape baby. I haven't seen my dad since our last jail visit." What kind of life is this? Poor kids, I just can't begin to imagine what they must go through. Never knowing whether or not their parents even love them, or if they keep them out of guilt. Kids see the pattern set before them, they really do. Family patterns continue like clock work. What else are they supposed to think? "My dad beats my mom, he's just showing her who's boss. He's a good man for setting her straight." "My dad says my mom is only living here to make him meals and to satisfy him when HE wants it." "They don't tell me they love me, emotions are for sissy's i guess." "My mom and dad shoot up heroin, they look so peaceful afterwards, they say in 10 years i will be old enough to feel the peace, i can't wait!" This, my friends, is what goes through our friends who grow up in these homes of chaos and clouds. I feel helpless right now, how can i help these poor kids? I just want to get out there and help them. As i have illustrated, premarital sex is a killer, a slow ruthless killer.
If you have thoughts or comments on this, don't be shy.
I love you all,