Feb 25, 2004 23:47
Hey guys, know what i just found out? I have a son of a biatch headache. Yeah i also found out that music is vital to a good life...don't you tell me i'm wrong!
I like just about any kind of music. the only kinds i just can't bring myself to listen to is boy/girl bands and country. other than that, it's all great. I mean, i still like punk, hard rock, and rap the best, but I can listen to anything. Like this evening, i was studying in my room for an english test i have tomorrow. I listened to 6 CD's straight. It was REALLY loud! My music listening patterns go as follows...
Listen to Punk: when i am a little down, on myself or a situation.
Listen to Rap: when i am bouncing off the wall happy, or just on a really good caffeine high.
Listen to Classical: When i am really sad, for example: when my uncle died recently.
Listen to Hardcore: When i am angry, at someone or a situation.
Listen to Techno: When all is okay in life, but not exactly ideal. (By the way i really would love to get a andy hunter CD, so if anyone sees one let me know where.)
so yeah, my music totally depends on the mood. i think that's how it is for everyone.
Have yourselves a wonderful_______ (fill in the blank, it's like a game...just really short and bland, like a mini burrito...without hot-sauce.)