Today was bore. I spend it all writing a freakin 15 page script as a punishment for crashing my car into the side of my garage. Anyway I finished that surprisingly early so ended up having some friends ove. Mowg, Aaron, Ev, Ally, and new friends MArissa, Ashley, and Britney, and Brandon and other. Was fun smoked out of a 3 foot bong. Was amaze very stoned now. Then Laurenoid came ove and we danced cray to a-teens and britnbey conce and mowg and aaron boned, so amaze. I danced cray like a young morsel of cheese in a crumpet sauce. LOVED! Room is now covered in alc bots. CRAY! LOVE! AM IN AMAZE MOOD@!!!!!! WAtching old episode of Boy Meets World. Such an amaze show! LOVED! Topanga was amaze. Mmm I want delicious chicken of Concesa, Its sorta spicy an d really amaze, with potates and squashensteins. SO AMAZE! Am gonna eat. Tonight I also went over to the Laurenoids house. HEre is a pic of her in one of her finest moments.
LOVE This cray little weavlet. Tomorrow we are going to my orthodontists and to get an estimate on my car together. NAtassias dad mioght be able to give me a good deal! Would be absolutely amaze. LOVE NATASHE. Well time to eat my chicks..... LOVenstein