Scary Mutha-Fuckin night
I cant even explain
U ever get that just feeling, of like terror? and ur eyes water up and u just feel fuckin terrified?
That happened tonight, and it probably sounds dumb but it was seriously so eerie.
Scared the fuck out of me.
First off
I go with Caitlin and Nicole to meet up with Stephanie and Melanie to go to their frind Jamaica's house to meet up with Sydney. We get to the Jamaica's, and are sitting there talking n stuff, when suddenly her 7 year old brother bursts into the room, in a diaper, and doesnt say a word. Jamaica tells him to go to bed.He suddenly says "NO I AM STAYING HERE!" and jumps on top of Caitlin, grabbing her boob. The nanny comes in to try and put him to bed. He starts screaming this fuckin awful scream and beating the nanny. Like full on socking her. We all go into Jamaica's room. He starts throwing himself against her door and screaming.
So we realized, clearly the child was a little off...
But thats not the scary part.
Caitlin, Nicole and I go back to Nicole's around 1 30.
Caitlin nad I get ready to leave around 3. Nicole lives up Mulholland so its like all windey and weird up there. We go to Caitlin's car, which has a window that's been stuck down, and see that someone (or something) has been in her car.
He/Her/It has made her seats recline all the way, and smashed her cigarettes, and moved all her mirrors, and left crazy,m weird marks all over the windows.
It freaked us out.
It couldnt have been someone we knew because nobody knew we were there.
But something or someone had gotten in her car, just to fuck with us.
Hahah it worked.
SO tonight wont be fun sleeping in my house alone.
Yah Im a pussy but believe me, it was fuckin WEIRD.
That was long and nobody probably read it, but it all added to a weird, fuckin brutal day.
Oh by the way
Happy Graduation Lauren
Thanx for the barbecue