Nov 12, 2005 02:01
I've decided I'm going to start using my LJ again. I miss it. I kept looking back at it whenever I would log in to check out other's ljs and... yea... I'm using mine again. That and it will keep me occupied at desk and stuff like that.
It's 2 in the morning and I really wish I wasn't sitting at this stupid desk. I'm sick of Buffy's babies giving me the business. Lil' shits...
I want Caitlin, Will, and Joel to come back and tell me about their evening. That and so we can play Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. Love it!
Everyone went home this weekend. EVERYONE. They are all stupid.
I don't know what I'm going to do with myself tomorrow. This will be the first weekend this semester that I haven't had anything Marching Band related to do over the weekend.
I'm going to make Kelsey redo my LJ. She's gonna be my LJ bitch. Woot for lil' sisters.
I want to go home soooooooooooooooooooo bad. Everyone goes home and I have yet to go home. The worst part it will only be for four days. That's not a sufficient amount of time to see everyone I want to see. One day will be devoted to family for the holidays anyways. Then me, mom, and Kelsey will be shopping on Black Friday like we always do. Oh how I love to reak havock in Bel Air!
Some stupid kid is printing like a dictionary out. It's pretty annoying.
I miss Roomie :(