Jan 30, 2005 05:31
why are there no Bank Watch groups to expose bad banking practices and watch the big banks to protect the little guys (ie - 90-some percent of the consuming population)????
What the hell is wrong with that picture? There are almost no controls. I've been searching for a web site that details bad banking experiences and how people were SERIOUSLY screwed over by banks (credit records, etc) for little or no reason, or because of a bank error which they may not admit for years... and I haven't found ANY for Canadian banks. anyone who knows of a site, please let me know. If there are none, perhaps it's time that someone STARTED one.
These people are truly evil, and someone needs to stand up to them. seriously. it's an epidemic. it's horrid. and no one can do a damn thing about it. Unless they magically starting earning millions of dollars. It's just not right, dammit.