Nov 09, 2003 22:08
Don't worry ladies that wasn't a phone destroying lash out against Peggy. Actually it was kinda an argument I had with myself or maybe Jose. Jose did me ever so wrong. I felt a lot of anger needed to get out,and I tried writing it instead of destroying something for a change. I think it actually helped, so for once LJ actually helped out like it was supposed to. Plus writing when you are angry drunk is the best sometimes, at least I know if this rapping thing doesn't work out then maybe I could write some good "emo" songs.ha,ah,aah (and if I wanted to really write about a Person that was pissing me off I would write their name, or just not post it,because secret shit talking IS gay) However the irony of the post was I was kinda lashing out at my own recent self-destructive behaviors, and since I'm not Fight Club crazy enough to fight myself I though a verbal lashing would have to suffice. Oh-well I'm weird and if no one gets it then thats cool it was really for my benefit.
Other than that I am realy looking forward to sleep and getting to work on like 4 new songs that we have started. Usually when my head is all messed up the best songs come out of it, funny how that works. I'm booking the New years show SOMEWHERE this week if it kills me.