Feb 18, 2006 01:25
I was on my way to school on Thursday morning when all of the sudden some dumb ass was trying to get into my lane right where my car was. i saw him cross the line, i moved to the left to avoid him. i felt a bump and then i slammed into the median, lost control and spun out across the entire freeway and when i stopped i was facing traffic on the right shoulder. i am alright but my car is in the shop. there were no real witnesses, the guy never stopped. two women who saw me spin out and almost hit me pulled over to see if i was ok and they were the ones that called the cops. when the cop arrived he had the nerve to tell me that my car was facing the wrong direction to which i replied, "well, i didnt really think that it was safe to try to turn it around on the shoulder" and he said "oh, yeah, of course , you're absoltely right. traffic had to be stopped so that i could pull a u-turn and get off of the freeway. i felt kind of cool because of this. everything was flown around in my car, my fm transmitter for my mp3 player is broken beyond repair because the cord got wrapped around the steering wheel. oh, thats another reason i lost control, i guess my knee must have hit the steering wheel where the adjustment button is because when i stopped my wheel was completely loose. i didnt really freak out much because of it. i only freaked out when i tried calling my roomates and no one answered. then i called my mom and i calmed down. when i talked to my insurance company, the woman asked me to describe exactly what happened. after i was done she exclaimed, "jiminy cricket! and you're stll alive? you are resiliant. congratulations on the first day of your life." both she and the officer told me to buy some lotto tickets and i actually went and bought some scratchers for the first time in my life. i won $3 and then bought a $2 one and lost so, i came out even. but hey, on the upside we might be getting a beagle in 6 weeks. heather is looking forward to that immensely. well, thats all i guess, i just thought my friends in SB should know what happened.