Oct 13, 2005 14:59
I got my corset in the mail today, its a little big, but i can deal, ill just have to wear a bra with it. anywho, im really stressed about work right now, dont want to talk about it, but i will say that it sucks. i will also say that i am looking forward to the next couple of months a lot. i will hopefully be able to see some of the sb peeps on the 21st and get to go to a cool show with We Quit, ChildPornography and My little red toe. and then i get to go to sb a week after that! ah, the debauchery of Halloween in Santa Barbara. Then on Halloween, i am going to see Fallout Boy and Motion City Soundtrack, cant wait! Then there is a dead period unitl the 19th when i have to go to my friends graduation. hopefully there is a party planned for her, because hell, shes graduating from culinary arts school, there should at least be some good food to eat. And then, the motherload, a trip to Napa for Thanksgiving. me and Tina are packing up our shit and hitting the dusty trail to Napa. Should be an interesting holiday. anywho, thats my life currently. wish it was more exciting, but im just gonna have to wait until next friday for the excitement to start.