Oct 15, 2004 12:29
So, I tried to hide from my birthday this year and it didn't work out. I'm not sure why, but I just really wasn't looking forward to it...i feel like my life is nothing except school and work so i wasnt really going to have anyone to celebrate with anyway. But lots of people remembered and called or sent cards and my work friends planned an awesome night out for me. I drank like it was 1999 and our tab was just about 200 dollars...blech. No funny drunken stories to tell....i somehow managed to keep myself out of trouble. I dont know why i'm writing in here.
My mom gave me the nicest card and wrote all this sentimental shit in it about how i've taught her so much in life and i cried because i'm gay.
And Brendon gave me two cards because he's cute and indecisive like that and then he gave me a gift package for a spa which i totally don't think i deserve at all and i cried about that too becasue im lame. love love love. I think things have finally worked out for us, which is a great feeling. It's strange how those things just sneak up on you and bite in you in the ass. I mean, who knew? Apparently everyone else besides us knew that we were like gay in love with each other.
In other news, school is going well...i actually enjoy school for once. We start clinical rotation in a week! I dont even have my little nursing outfit yet so i need to get on the ball. If anyone needs a catheter or an NG tube just let me know. I'll hook you up.
Starbucks has been blowing ass because my manager is a huge cunt...so i demoted myself yet again and this coming week is my last as a shift. I'm going to be making even less money now, and i'm not sure how thats going to work. Someone should pay me just for being me. ;)