"And I think I'm craaaaazy..."

Feb 11, 2007 18:55

So I've been talking about it for a while, but now I'm finally doing it! I'm going to list my many crazy. (Yes, I meant it like that. You'd understand if you had this many crazy...well, you probably do.)

Anyway, so many of my crazy centers around sleep! For instance, I woke myself up (no, really, just sat up) this morning at 5 am to check my alarm clock to make sure it would wake me up at 9 am for SURE. No lies. That's all I woke up to do. And when I used to open (I'm not opening at all now) the Subway store, I'd have these half-hallucinations as I was waking up that the numbers on my alarm clock were numbers for a Subway order, or a scoreboard for whatever dream I was having.

And sometimes, I get so excited to have lots of sleep that I can't get to sleep. Not last night though. I slept SO GOOD.

I rarely ever have matched up socks, so no matter what, the better sock (feel, or colour if they're similar) has to go on my right foot.

I don't like touching paper if my hands are dry, because I start feeling nauseous. So at Subway, if I'm counting bills or pulling out deli papers, I have to wet my hands after a while.

*Finger nails gross me out. And toe nails. ESPECIALLY clippings. No, no, no really! To the point of throwing up. They're disgusting!*

Hands and feet in general I find gross, unless they're nice hands, in which case I love them! Adore them! I don't even like looking at my nails, so I keep them short and unnoticeable.

I don't like to walk in front when I'm with people, because two of my friends used to play a trick on me -often- where I'd be talking and walking in front, and they'd run into different hallways, leaving me continuing to talk with other students staring me down. So I walk in the back. Always.

I have intense fears of dissappointing waiters and waitress, so I panic when the "Tip" option comes up on the debit machine and have tipped 35% twice now.

I can't pee if I think people are around or can hear. I had two friends sleep over recently, and I got up early to pee, except I couldn't for a half-hour because I thought I had woken them up and was sure they were listening embarassedly, and wouldn't tell me later. And once, when my parents went away for a week I had to stay with a friend who lives nearby, and I held everything in for three days before stumbling in pain back to my house to go to the washroom.

I often wake up at night thinking that there's spiders in my bed. (There was once, and I'm that just made it worse.)

With that same fear of spiders, when I have a cold (and thus cannot breath through my nose) I cover my mouth with a bandana when sleeping so that spiders/other insectzies can't get in.

I read magazines from right to left. (Probably from reading Japanese comic books.)

Bright slightly-blue green (like green white board markers) irritate me.

So do plain white shirts. (They're just asking for it.)

Annnnnd, that's all I can think of, for the moment.

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