Jun 12, 2004 00:16
so much has happend in the past week. to start off we moved Brooke into her new house sunday then my aerosmith concert got canceled and resceduled. i left for a week long camp monday and then monday afternoon we went canoeing in a war canoe that weighs like 500 lbs it was the crapiest thing ive ever done. but the fun started tuesday when we went repelling and rock climbing on a 100 ft cliff(this actually scared the crap out of me). wednseday we went mountian bikeing and i tour up my arms when i kinda ran off the trail and into some briers(not fun). then thursday we went caving and went into a cave somewhere and i had to wade through water up to my chest that was about 40 degrees. then the best part was going on the ocoee which is the white water rapids river that they did the olympics on. i only fell out once but so did evryone else in the boat. and then im coming home from camp and my parents decide to tell me that we sold our house already and we have to be out by july 20 or 21 cant remember. so this week ive paddled 500 lb canoes, dangled from a cliff by a rope not bigger than my thumb, mountian biked, done some of the fiercest rapids in there is, and sold our house. everything i did was great but there was only one problem i havent seen or talked to brooke in a week, called her when i got home but her cousin said she was asleep. o yae almost forgot the mullet is sadly gone it no longer exist. well actually this is kinda strange my mom has it in an envelope, u know usually people only save there kids first hair cut but not my mom. shell probly use it for blackmail one day. maybe someday i will grow it back dout it tho. I Love U Brooke, i missed u so much