Jul 17, 2006 09:43
So today, I had the morning off work and ran with my friend E. It was really good because she's in ROTC so she does a lot of running- that definitely helped out with the pace. Plus it was nice to have someone to talk to. Kind of funny, we both pray while we run sometimes, her with the Rosary, and me with my Apostles Creed. Gotta love that at least about being a Catholic.
I think E and I are going to do the Chicago half marathon next month, which will be fun. Okay, time to shower. Running outside in this heat is insane. But... it doesn't matter! :)
Oh, p.s. my 10 mile run this weekend through Woodridge went well. I think my accidental 9.46 mile run in Milwaukee last week psyched me up for it this last Saturday.
Mmm... and Gatorade is sweet nectar from God. Some love lamp, I love Gatorade.
Miles Ran: 4.8
Time: 1 hour 22 seconds
Pace: 12.6 minute miles