Dec 27, 2006 03:08
Don't hurt anyone on purpose or unless it's unavoidable.
This... well, this will prove interesting. Let's see if I can actually keep this one up. It also needs some retouching, I think. I mean, some situations I might think are unavoidable, others might not agree... yeah.
4 more days left in the year. Time to get all my vices out now, I suppose.
I'm thinking of switching to 3rd period English. Anyone have any opinions? My schedule will then look like:
IB Chem 3
IB Eng 4
IB Spanish 5
IB History of the Americas
Free class period (or maybe another PCC, just for the hell of it)
I kinda like it this way. Definitely need to reconnect with a lot of the people in 3rd period English (read: Kathryn, Marty, Alex, and others, though I'm not sure who else is or isn't in that class).
Also, went to the gym and actually worked out for the first time in my life today. Kinda started to agree with the "Being physically weak sucks" philosophy. Do I believe in the application of my body rather than in the brute strength? Well, yeah. But man, if I can get my serve cracking the 110 mph... mmm.
Saw Blood Diamond today. I liked it. Technically, as a movie, it was... ehh. But overall, I'd definitely recommend seeing it.
Is anyone actually going to prom this year? I've got a date in mind, but...
Time to sleep. Later.