It is FAT TALK FREE week!

Oct 19, 2010 15:47

Every week is fat talk free week with me! Well, at least I try. It is really hard to turn off all the tapes in one's head. However, I can tell you that I am much happier not criticizing myself about how I look.

I buy clothes that fit -- I don't care what size they are. If the clothes aren't flattering it's a problem with the garment -- not me. Now, since I wear a lot of hand made clothes, I know that fit and style have everything to do with what makes a body look good. That is never the fault of my body. Off the rack clothes don't fit anyone perfectly!

And I don't couch negative messages into my health or fitness talk, either. Having more fitness means I can lift more weight and have more endurance -- maybe that means I can walk or swim farther or faster. But I don't conflate that with health or attractiveness. No one can look at me and accurately guess my ratio of fat to nonfat body tissues! That's silly.

Having problems with my feet reflects having broken most of the bones in one foot years ago, and having severely burned the other ankle many years later. I popped my hip out of it's joint when I was 12. It gets temperamental now -- and those problems are pretty consistent whether I am at a higher or lower weight. So I don't play games with myself, making bargains about losing weight to "treat" those issues. I wear good shoes, rest, and use a cane when I need to.

The other thing I work diligently to develop is a supportive and kindly reflection for other women in my life. It kills me when women I love criticize themselves endlessly over their appearance. I won't play into that. Because I think you are terrific just the way you are! I love the way you look! Just as you are!

So hop on this train -- even if you just try it for a week. I'm not saying you shouldn't take care of yourself -- I'm saying we don't need to insult and demean ourselves and each other. I am always pretty happy to look in the mirror. Part of that is stopping the incessant critique. Join me and the host of other women who are on this freedom march!
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