Dec 17, 2009 09:17
Okay, now first, let's be clear on what I do and do not mean:
I am not promoting the idea that thinness is preferable over fatness when all other variables are equal. I do not believe that. But there are a lot of people who do think that way, and they have manufactured the OBEEZIPANIC gripping the nation (and lately even the world) and distracting us from real issues like the economy, corporate and government corruption, lack of jobs, realistic fair health care for all, and so on. And, I don't really want to see these things enacted, because I don't think everyone always needs to be thin.
Got that? Okay, now on to what I think would have to be done to make the whole country thin.
1) Make everyone do 8 hours of hard labor every day. I do not mean pointless non productive "exercise" at some sanitized work out place. I mean like picking up steel girders and the like. Breaking apart rocks with a 40 pound lead pick axe. It needs to engage endurance and be weight-bearing. NO exceptions. No one is too young, too old or too sick to do labor. FORCE them to do it. If it kills them, then they didn't deserve to live.
This alone will not make everyone thin. Some people will die. Most people will lose some weight when doing this kind of labor, even if they eat like a horse. But hard labor alone will not make everyone thin. And some people might even bulk up!
2) Take extra sugar out of the American food chain. Right now, most items you buy at the store have added sugars. Even meats are injected with solutions containing sugars. Completely banning all types of sugars added to foods would make all the foods at the stores safer to eat. It would probably close most grocery stores and restaurants, too, because most people are used to food that is all sugared up, and won't like the taste of food without sugars. But luckily hard labor usually increases appetite, so they'd eat cardboard if need be.
This will help most people to lose some weight. Now, if you have been getting most of your calories from sugar or starch, you're going to start feeling pretty crappy and fast.
Notice I did NOT say "take all the fat out of food." They did that already and people got fatter! Besides that, you take all the fat out of food, and people will really start dying. And we don't necessarily want people to DIE, we just want them to be THIN.
Okay now, I did exaggerate a bit when I titled this post, because I know from what I have seen with my own eyes, I have known fat people who did hard labor and ate clean food. Some people are just big, and they are going to be big, unless we take some drastic measures.
3) Enforce starvation of people who are still "too big". Yes, limit food intake. You may have to continue to reduce, or even eliminate food intake completely from those people who refuse to lose weight on a normal amount of food.
Let's talk for a moment about what constitutes a normal amount of food. I fired one of my doctors after he handed me a 1500 calorie a day diet, telling me I needed to follow that to lose weight. He's an idiot, because at the time I rarely ate more than 1200 kcals in any one day. I told him that, but apparently all fat people lie about how much food they eat, so he knew not to trust what I said. I know from past experience that I can drop to about 1000kcals for months at a time, and really not lose much weight at all. But the truth is, some fat people do eat a lot of food, and some don't.
What I can tell you is that if you aren't eating enough food, effects of starvation will start to occur. You really cannot be a breathatarian. I know I have linked to Keyes starvation study in the past, so I'm not going to do so again, but I was really shocked to realize that many of the problems I had when I was too poor to buy much food were actually really related to starvation. Low body temperature, hair falling out, thin skin, rashes, poor immunity...Effectively, eating 800 kcals a day isn't enough for most people. Even if you are getting great nutrition, your basal metabolism really needs more than that.
But we aren't talking about health - we're talking about how to MAKE PEOPLE THIN. So starve the fat bastards. We'll worry about problems related to malnutrition later -- problems like muscle wasting, failing eyesight, teeth falling out, and bones becoming decalcified and brittle. That's a short list -- there's a whole smorgasbord of effects that follow starvation. I haven't even mentioned the psychological ones!
But back on topic: those three things would make virtually everyone thin, and kill a lot of people too. And many people would become emaciated, and riddled with health issues due to malnourishment. But they would be THIN. And hopefully doctors, who are too grossed out by fat people to treat them properly now, would then be able to have compassion and would be able to treat them for their conditions. Even then, I think some people would still be fat, but they would be really unusual examples of corpulence.
Then we could just criminalize fat, and throw all the fat people in jail, and no one would ever have to see them or think about them again. After all, they are obviously hoarding food or failing to do hard labor. And hoo boy, we could absolutely control their food intake then!