Monday always follows Sunday, but Sunday does not cause Monday.
I'm also being amused by this post: I always find it amusing when I meet someone who assumes that since I endorse HAES and body/fat acceptance, that what I am *really* endorsing is making everyone fat by encouraging them to sit on the couch, watch TV and eat baby-flavored powdered sugar donuts and NOT to exercise! ( Actually I am kind of into fitness, but you would probably never guess that if you assume that you can tell what I am interested in based on the shape of my body.) Anyways, body acceptance means accepting whatever kind of body you have, not criminalizing or judging yourself in a harsh way over things you may or may not be able to change. No matter what your body is like, it is yours. Yours alone. Before you start doing extreme things to it that you may later regret, please find a place of acceptance for yourself. I don't really object to anyone changing their body, hair, skin -- I don't care, it is your body. But I'm just telling you that you're going to make better choices if you make them out of a place of love for yourself. Rather than desperately trying to shoehorn yourself into some fantasy of something you're not and never will be. Do I need to give you examples? Really?
If the only reason you are exercising is to "become thin" or "not to become fat" for God's sake STOP IT! You're hurting yourself with judgement! There are many other reasons to get exercise -- reasons that are fun and body-loving. But if the only reason you do the exercise thing is because of your fantasy of being thin, get off the damn treadmill. I could have told you that boatloads of cardio won't necessarily make anyone thin. My mother was a very fit, very fat woman, who had phenomenal endurance. If exercise alone made people thin, she'd have been a rail. There is more to the equation.
HAES is about doing the responsible things to take care of your body, yes the body you have now. Weight loss is not a magic panacea cure-all! My husband has lost more than 50 pounds since January this year. His health issues have not gone away. Some things have changed, other things have not. His health is different. HAES means treating your asthma, and being assertive with your medical providers to make sure they don't "rx" you weight loss when you really need some other legitimate treatment or diagnostic.
HAES is also not a judgement against people with chronic illness or an injunction that says we must all strive for perfect fitness. If you can exercise for fun or for health, then go for it. But if you can't or don't want to, there should be no judgement. Exercise does not confer moral virtue either.