First Night in New Mexico

Aug 13, 2008 00:15

Well, despite one slight mess-up with the planes today went well. We got picked up by the cab to the airport nice and early, and made it there in plenty of time to catch our flight to Austin/Fort Worth. Unfortunately, the plane was late leaving the tarmac and ran late on the way to our layover, leaving us with far less time than the initial estimate of an hour. So we missed boarding the plane we were originally scheduled on as its gate was moved, and our seats were given away... :/ BUT~! It worked out fine. We got sandwiches and ate them with our legs stretched out rather than all cramped up in the plane. :3

The flight we were rescheduled to was actually something of a boon, as it let us sit together and discuss our plans for the remainder of the day. We decided to eat in Albuquerque, at a place called Sadie's, an institution in the area for years. They've got stars in my Fodor's guide, and have been written up in diverse publications including the New York Times. Also, they have truly FANTASTIC food.

Salsa--flavorful, if a bit on the hot side, though it makes all ensuing foods taste milder than expected xD
with a bit of the honey that is in a big condiment bottle on every table mixed in, it became much easier to handle. I guess there's some substance to the saying "You gotta have sweet with the heat" after all!

Tostada chips--complimentary before meal nosh, and included as a basic starter. They're fresh, super crisp, and not too greasy (well, the top ones aren't greasy at all, whereas a few of the bottom ones are rather the opposite).

The Enchiladas--a legendary food so far as I can tell, they've made this eatery a MUST EAT AT destination over a succession of years, locations, and owners (it has passed through various family members hands, so the recipe remains the same). The tortilla has enough heft to handle a good amount of filling, and enough flavor to hold up in comparison with creamy refritos, tangy/spicy chile sauce, chopped tomatos, shredded chicken, and buttery guacamole. Despite the basic order being a plate brimming nearly to overflowing the enchilada meal left me replete without making me sleepy or otherwise groggerous. If anything, it was a rather energizing meal, despite being a bit on the late side.

The sopaipillas--not at all what i expected, but nevertheless delish. Especially dipped in the refritos or drizzle with the honey.
After dinner we drove into the oldest part of Albuquerque (I think it is anyway, I mean it IS called "Old Town" after all!) and then parked and proceeded to walk around and explore a good bit.  As it was rather late by this point, most things were closed, but man! What a variety of interesting itty bitty places! There was even a feline-focused store with an entertaining name--the Albuquerque Cat House! Appropriately we saw a sleek little orange tabby there, playing with crickets it caught in the flower beds.

Eventually we found a place that was open and hung out there for awhile ogling various pretty things, and saying hello to the proprietors' adorable beagle, Molly. Such a sweet dog! :o
And SUCH looooong floopilicious ears that were so very soft! ;.; I swear, i could've petted her for ages!
Ah well.

After spending ahile at this gallery, which I've got the card for but I'm being lazy and not pulling it out, we drove to Santa Fe and arrived at our hotel.  We're staying here one night, then going to a monastery for the next three nights or so. :3 I somehow doubt the monastery will have WI-FI, but I could be wrong.
Anyways, it's late, I'm tired, and out of things to say.

Over and out!

new mexico trip, adventure

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