My journal, my rants.

Nov 11, 2007 22:47

So I use this journal randomly lately. For whatever pleases my moment. Most write about their days and what has been happening. Something I rarely do. I tend to post my works and thoughts on things. Tho I really do like Live journal for the ability to share with others your words. See how they understand them and react. Its not myspace (which I mostly use mine to see what people will comment on my pictures) where people fake a pose to impress other people. You don't have to choose a default picture for which the world will see you by or arrange 8 of your friends to be your "top" while others argue why they aren't there. Here are just words, and only the ones that you choose to speak. I believe thats a far better way to find out a person then reading a stupid 200 question survey of random bullshit.

Tho I find it sad when there are people who complain that you don't comment them. That you aren't their friend because you don't say "Oh you look so pretty." on their pictures. I mean what kind of world is it when you let a web page control your emotions.

With that I shall say, I still we be using these sites. They bring me amusement and enjoyment as they should. I will write words down as I feel, the lies, truths, bads and goods. Sometimes they will be straight forward, while other times they will be masked in other words. But in the end they are only thoughts of the moment. Just how this post is written and every other I have (besides actual works like stories). I have post from all different times probably confusing many on their meaning. Some seem straight forward but are really something else entirely.

This journal records my thought process, which can fully be understood by me. Which I like to keep recorded and public. I like the fact that someone can comment my though process, even if they are dead off. But please remember they are my words my brain randomly spurt into some type of message. So please don't take them so harsley, because we all think of some random things sometimes.

And btw my last post was really about how I have started to over come being self conscious and how I have been able to over come it and act myself without fear. Which I don't think any of you saw and took the post itself to seriously.

I shall now end my rant for the night, for I have a long week of work ahead.
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