Rory Death Counter ;)

May 15, 2011 18:20


So last series, Mr Pond aka Rory Williams died twice. Once saving Amy from evil face-sucking gramps and got turned into dust (it was all a dream) and once saving 11th from evil lizard lady and got erased from all of existence (he got better)

Before the new series started late last month, there were talk on the internets about how he's gonna die again. I BIG NOOOOOOO'd. I like him! I like him more than his wife who is supposed to be official companion of 11th. Pretty astute, that guy. Too bad that didn't stop him from dying so much. Or was it his astuteness that got him killed so often? よチェックや!

And this series finally came!
Ep 1: 2nd last scene of the episode has River turned around and yelling at Rory in warning/horror/OmgHeDedAlready?! (she warned him just in time I guess... /off-screen action)
Ep 2: Badger Neville Manservant Jim Sterling Ring Director that guy from Dollhouse Crowley Canton Delaware III shot him, he flopped and got shipped to Area 51 in a body bag (it was a set-up)
Ep 3: He got whacked by the idiot ball ship's boom and into the dark and stormy sea (Got saved by the EMH!Siren but started drowning on dry land when they needa get him off the life support. Amy revived him with her CPR of lurve--which he taught her...)
Ep 4: And he died from old age/skeletonified when Amy & Rory got trapped in different parts of TARDIS' corridors. Apparently time passes differently for them (the TARDIS-eating Michael Sheen asteroid was messing with Amy's head)

That brings the death count up to 5. Even though only 2 of them was for real and 1 of them didn't stick. Well... technically both didn't stick since he's still alive (for now) but 1 didn't stick as long as the other so meh... /hairsplitting

...Will we have a "death scene" every episode now? Lol!


After ep 3, we have this gem from The Grand Moff. And this from the internets. And I really did think this during that scene.

Ep 3 side note: When they revealed the Siren was actually an emergency medical program, I totally said this out loud. Hurhur...

Ep 4 side note: Doctor/TARDIS is canon! Fo' real now! XD (Best line of the ep: "Did you wish really really hard?")
When Idris beamed images into Rory's head after 11th told her to tell the pretty one (referring to Amy), I lol'd. A niche corner of the internets rejoiced. :D
Even though I still don't take to her, I did like Neil Gaiman's characterization of Amy in this ep. Too bad she ain't like this every ep. Zzz...


Oh and! After being the buttmonkey for most of the previous and current series, Confidential S06E04 firmly establishes the actor as the buttmonkey too. XD



Edit 24 May 2011
He's not dead in Ep 6! Not even fake!dead!! Huh... Bro says he's gonna die twice next ep to make up for not dying this ep. XD
Also, someone made a fanvid of him dying. So far. Wonder if they'll update it as the series goes along. :P

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death, spoilers, brit, internets, tv

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