A study in Underdogs (not that Underdog)

Jun 22, 2012 23:56

Generally speaking, I'm not the type who likes main characters (some exceptions of course).

Even as a child, I liked Raphael & Gambit & Wakko & The Count & Gargarmel & Xanatos & Hexadecimal etc. more than the main character.

But I never thought it would apply to real life until one day while talking to my brother about our Secondary School Social Studies and how I really felt bad for William Farquhar because everyone is hyping about how Stamford Raffles founded Singapore and stuff. Sure, Raffles founded Singapore but he buggered off and dump the building and developing to Farquhar and sacked the man for not following his plan after coming back after a couple of years (even though Farquhar was doing the best he could in that situation coz no amendments to plans are ever needed during execution phase yea?).

Despite his significant contribution to the early development of Singapore, not much is known and remembered of him by the locals. Even the little street named in his memory is gone.

It's the opium isn't it? It must be.

*single tear of sadness*

I remember you, Farquhar! I remember you!!


So, Thor 2.

Some big shit's gonna befall Asgard (Thanos & the Infinity Gauntlet?) and they need Loki to help get them out of said shit--as always (even in the Norse mythology, Loki is either the guy who caused the shit storm or the guy who gets them out of shit storms). Odin sends Thor to Midgard/Earth to retrieve Loki (flashback sequence of The Avengers). Thor takes Loki back, they fight crime evil and everyone lives happily ever after.

Until the next time the God of Mischief is up to no good.

home, local, movie

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