Feb 12, 2005 03:54
Religion: I practice a branch of Christianity called Catholocism. I am Catholic, I like the ritual of the Mass, the Hierarchy of the Church. I do not subscribe to all the practices, as I am pro-choice (but not as a form of birth control, only for the well being of the mother or if the child was born, he or she would be uncared for financially, psychologically, etc.), I also believe in gay rights. (I will cover more on the gay rights thing later). I personally believe not only Christians will get into heaven. I think Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Wiccans, Agnostics, etc. all have a good shot of getting in. If you life was spent more in helping than hurting others, I think you got a good shot. The Bible's old testament is pretty much mythology written down by man after hundred's of years of verbally telling the stories... It is written by man as ground rules for society. The New Testament, well I buy into alot of it (ergo, I am Catholic... See how that works out). Ones religion should NOT be forced on anyone. It is ones personal or family choice... Don't knock on my door and sell me your god, and I won't knock on your door and sell you mine. And for fuck's sake, the televagelists need to get off the TV and off the radio, and moreso quit trying to force your self ritiousness down others throats for your financial gain and the destruction of people who differ in lifestyle that you wish everyone lived...
Evolution: I fully believe in evolution. I don't think *Poof* we just wound up here. Short and to the point... We all came from Africa, we evolved from an ape like species... Get use to it.
Politics: Politics should be for the people not major corporations... Although the United States itself is a corporation, it should treat its employees with dignity, and quit fucking us over just to line the politicians (and their friends) pockets and keep us all down. I believe in taxes and social programs... Society!!! It does not mean you should just sit on your ass popping out babies to stay on assitance... I vote Democrat, although it is usually same shit, different pile... They do tend to assist the working class far more than the Republicans... And NO!!! TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS DO NOT WORK!!!!
Racism: Everyone is prejudice, everyone!!! It depends on how you deal with your prejudice... Will you let it keep you in so much fear you have to destroy those that are different from you? Or can you have enough respect and self discipline to keep your emotions in check. We are all desendents of Immigrants (well most of those that read this are) and therefore we need to lighten up on people coming into this country. Illegals are just doing jobs your or I don't wanna do, and they actually keep prices down... (There is an economical benifit). If you do have legal rights to work in this countrythough, I feel it should be manditory you speak English. I don't wanna have to find a translator to order a Big Mac (I am not exagerating). White folks, drop the uppity W.A.S.P. mindset of superiority. And last but not least, blacks... Stop blaming everyone, slavery has ended, quit referancing it. I never owned a slave so I don't ow anything to you. Stop with the stereotypes that keep your race down. You are oppressing yourselves now, not the white man.
Sexism: I believe in equal rights across the board. No mater what color, race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, etc... Now this will piss off one or two of my friends, but... It is my manifesto so, here goes... I do not support feminism. I think it is reverse sexism. I think women should get equal pay, should be able to have the same respect... etc. etc etc. But I don't know any "ism" that is positive.
Prison Reform: I know people shouldn't be treated like animals, but people are starting to enjoy prison, sex, drugs, cable TV, 3 meals... There are homeless who have nothing, and a convicted fellon has all the amenities of home... Hell, in some social circles, prisoners are looked up to as heros... Now I feel prison should be a deterant alone. The only priveledge a prisoner should have is access to his or her bible and classic literature, 3 meals and a bed. NO TV or NO RADIO... With the exception of nightly news piped in over loud speakers, the rest of the time classical music only. Also Mon-Saturday, 10 hour work days, on Sunday Church or just in cell time. Prison needs to reform the fellon not vice versa.
Death Penalty: Sorry, I don't believe in it. It does not sway people from killing, so I think we need to look at our prison processes See the above topic). By the time someone is put to death, it costs the taxpayers more than if they lived life on death row.
Gun Control: I believe people should hunt. It is actually a benifit to the animal kingdom. What I don't think is people having mass aresonals. I think people should be limited to no more than 2 licenced weapons. If need more, the a special licence needs to be provided and updated each year, with cost per weapon to the weapon holder. People caught with unlicenced weapons will have them confiscated and fined per weapon. Along with fines, the person will also have to be fingerprinted and stored in a database incase any of the weapons were used in a crime.
Drugs: Marijuana is 100egal as well as taxable and All Other Drugs are decriminalized. Prison sentences for drug use should not be longer in sentences that someone on indited for murder. That is stupid. Drugs should be researched if they have medicinal and or other purposes instead of major medical and textile corporations being the only ones allowed to supply medicine and textiles. Marijuana can be used for FAR more tha just smoking.
Gay rights: Gay people are people none the less, they should have every right straight people have. Yes that includes marriage. But I hate the gay agenda forced down my throat... I mean is it really necessary to have a Gay float in the St. Patrick's day parade. The parade is not about sex but your choice for a partner is. Yes I believe the majority of gay people are born that way and therefor entitled to the same civil rights as everyone else, but again stop forcing down everyones throat.
Corporal Punishment: Sorry, kids should be spanked. Not beaten the shit out of (but some cases it may be warrented especially as they get into thier teen years... I gaurantee if I had a teen age son or daughter tell me to go fuck myself or god forbid, take a swing at me... well let's just say they aren't gonna get a time out or we won't need to see Dr. Phil or other mushy crap... a good old fasioned ass whoopin is in order). There is a difference between child abuse and discipline... I hate to say to my fellow liberals, not all problems can be hugged or talked away.
Personal accountablity: I can not emphasis this enough... You are responsible for your actions as well as how your children are raised. STOP scapegoating... Music is not responcible, Movies are not responsible, someone else is not responsible... Only you...
Pro-Choice vs. Pro Life: I have mentioned in part 1, but I want to throw this in... If you are a girl under the age of 18 and are pregnant, you will need a parent or gaurdian to accompany you to the doctor. Pro-lifers, sometimes it is not the best situation to bring a child into the world (such as the case of rape, incest, physical and mental capacities, etc.) And Partial birth abortion is stupid. And while we are disussing this, I do want to mention stem cell research... We need it... Period... No debate.
I think I have covered everything I wanted to get off my chest... So keep in mind, rainbows nor guns will solve all problems... Sometimes it takes just common sense... Something too many people lack on both sides of the political spectrum. Sorry Peta, animals taste good, and sorry NRA, Ted Nuggent, you rock, but shut the fuck up, for fuck's sake!