harder to breathe.

Apr 07, 2008 17:51

its early, and i'm already hurting.
i'm trying to run and pick back up.
today wasn't one of the best.
so many things on my mind at one time.
stress is piling up and i'm cracking
more and more each day.
who know it was going to be this hard?
scratches and cuts are healed and are not to be open back up.
if you promise, they don't open back up.
keep your promise, it might do you good
even if i can't see it at the moment.
i'm overdramatic and probably a good actor.
the last thing on my list is to fight with you.
sometimes its like you give up on me, but i know you.
and you know me.
i feel like i'm her, and breaking easily to.
and thats something i don't want to feel ever.
i'm broke again, and change is going to occur.
i can feel it in the air, and i'm not adapting to it.
i refuse to let myself adapt to it.
nothing is leaving me, and i'm not leaving it.
i don't get free time anymore, and i catch myself sleeping often.
dilliusional days and states of mind.
my left ankle/chin hurts internally..
i have no skin on a certain part of my left foot.
i have cuts and scabs on my ankles and on the tops of my feet.
i haven't read a good book lately, i think reading keeps me sane.
i'll have to find or dig up some books somewhere.
this is real life kids, this isn't laguna beach or the hills.
life is never going to be like that for me, i don't know about you.
stress is taking over my body and i'm taking it out on everyone.
it feels like i'm being forced to be alive
would i be a bum if i didn't go to school and dance?
i wonder what i'd be like if my life were completely different.
i can't find the perfect song for this entry.
i can't win for loosing, either way i'm stuck.
and i'm not letting anyone break through and help me.
i don't want to admit to being hurt.
i'm at my worst and not satisified with the best.
what am i to do?
i keep trying to look on the bright side.
but the clouds keep blocking out my sun.
someone help me see through..
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