
Oct 08, 2004 10:25

I hate the dentist. I really do. I had to go to have a couple of fillings done. Of course they were on either side of my mouth. So the whole top of my mouth is frozen. To make matters worse they were at the back, and the dentist had a rough time getting to them. So, now that the freezing is gone, my whole freaking jaw hurts. I am in a lot of pain. I am not so patiently waiting for my heat pack to heat up.

On another note, my blood clot is still there. And they can't get the level of blood thinner in my system regulated. Right now its 1.4 which means I am going to have to go back on the blood thinner needles to get it back over two. (As my blood is not thin enough)

I hate needles.

I did have a good thing happen to day. I got the job I applied for. Its with the Children's aid in the town I live in. Monday to Friday 8:30 - 4:30 and I get an agency car *does dance of joy*

Now I am off to get my heat pack and nurse my jaw for a bit, before I try to get caught up on the RPG.

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