Jun 01, 2006 22:56
I was browsing the petstore Saturday (with my youth client) and got to talking to the manager. Who, is aware that I have had My CAG Chewie for almost the past 3 years. Anyway, he asked me this opinion on a yellow cockatiel. Supposedly people bought it, then brought it back to the store saying something was wrong with it. It has trouble finding its food dishes, they thought it was blind. The manager took it out and let me hold it. I noticed that he/she has a few malformed toes and its left wing is splayed out a bit, but it can raise it up and down.(The manager said the wing had always been like that) But this just sitting there is new.) Anyway, it half fell asleep in my hand.
I told him something was obviously wrong with it and he/she needed to go to the vet. Anyway, long story short he told me that if I would take care of the vet stuff, he'd write the bird off and I could just take it.
So, me being the sucker/sap I am, LOL took he/she home. I set up Chewie's travel
cage. The tiel is now in my spare room, (I haven't let it and Chewie anywhere near each other and won't until the avian vet tells me its ok to) I fed it, gave it water.
Anyway, I took Gizmo (I figure he needed a name LOL) to the Avian vet last night. (I have a credit card that I just keep for emergency vet bills for Chewie, so I used that when I went)
Two hundred dollars later.... (whimpers)
I was told the vet thinks she, is a he lol. Anyway, he's in pretty bad shape. His keel is really protruding and he has very little muscle mass. He only weighs 74 grams. The vet thinks that was a lot lower on Saturday and now, he is at least 10 grams under weight. As well, the vet agrees with my guess that he had to probably fight for his food and couldn't
get any or very much as he was sick.
He has ulcers on both his little feet. He's missing part of three toes on one foot and two toes on the other. The vet told me that the other birds in the cage probably bit them off. I have the vet wrap which I wrapped his wooden perches in to cushion his feet.
He has conjunctivitis in his right eye and an upper respiratory infection. Plus his little nostril vents were clogged. As well, his left wing is hanging pretty low. She thinks there may be a small fracture, or its a bad sprain. She told me if there is a pinched nerve, he may never get use of it back. But, he does a good job of flapping like mad with it. So, I am hoping its just sprained. She told me to watch it for a few weeks and see if it comes back.
Also, who ever clipped his wings at Pets Unlimited clipped the wing that was hanging. Not only did they clip it too short, but they clipped many of his secondary flight feathers. (just on that wing) They didn't do anything to the other wing. So, the vet had to clip his other wing in order to give him some sort of balance.
Anyway, I have an antibiotic I have to give him twice a day for seven days. And an anti-inflammatory he has to get twice a day for the next four days. Then he has to come back to the vet in two weeks for a check up and a weigh in. (Hopefully he will gain some weight back)
So, I call the pet store because the manager asked me to let him know what was wrong with the teil. And, I wanted to let him know that the eye infection Gizmo has is contagious and he should have the other tiels checked. (Heck, I need to keep Chewie and Gizmo at opposite ends of the house for the next three weeks.)
I also told the manager everything that was wrong with the poor guy. You know what he did? He laughed.