Something has changed within me..

Feb 05, 2007 23:07

What an awesome weekend I've had. Wicked was really, really good. Seats were fantastic, 3rd row circle one seat off centre, no heads in the way..perfect. It really is a show you need to see atleast once because it's so pretty. They way it's done is very easy on the eye and does all click into place.

No one mourns the wicked isn't a song I listen to on a regular basis but it comes to life on stage (obviously) with the image of Elphaba on the screen behind was beautiful. I was so impressed with Kerry Ellis I know she's had problems with her voice but I thought she was fantastic. She was everything I though Elphaba would be. I liked Helen, I liked her Glinda but the voice takes a lot of getting used to, I don't see the need for the overly fake accent, I truly don't but my mum didn't even notice it so maybe it is just a me thing. The whole cast, which did include a few understudies, were great especially James Gillian.

Defying Gravity took my breath away, you really do hear people gasping. One of, if not the, best theatre moments I've seen.

The only problem is, it's a show I think I need to see again just to really make my opinion of it firm as I think I was too happy to be there seeing it, finally, that I didn't take everything in. I do kinda think it could have kept with the book more, Nessa epsecially but it was magical for me to see this brought to life.

Birthday was gentle, it was nice..well, having the fire alarm go off the second I stepped out of the shower wasn't all that gentle but still it's a memory. We had another walk around St James was just that little too cold to stick around. We tried to get to Covent Garden, I didn't really know when to tell my mum that I'd never really seen anything there in previous vists but we gave up before getting there. We went for a drink in the Starbucks in Borders, frappuccino. I then bought Son of a Witch..hopefully it wont take me as long to read as Wicked. We then had lunch in's kinda our local. It was yummy and then it was time to get the coach home with the sun setting and planes taking off. Our bus broke down as soon as we got to our drop off point which was convenient and then I got to open all my cards and pressies before settling down with a vodka orange to watch Jack. Might not seem all that exciting but really, it was all that I could have asked for. No worries, no dramas just watching life go by and smiling. What more could you ask for?

[travels] london, [theatre]

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