1. i died: cry alot 2. i kissed you: go: uhhhhhh....ok... 3. i lived next door to you: come sit in your window at night and watch you until you wake up. lol 4. i started smokin: send you nicotin gum 5. i stole somethin: make you tell me how 6. i was hospitalized: send you a basket of lilies 7. i ran away from home: let you hang out over hur but not for to long cuz you just can run away from things 8. i got in a fight and you weren't there? go find the mofo and help you beat the **** outa em
whatt do you think about my: 9. Personality: mm bubbly 10. Eyes: open, like all seeing kinda 11. Hair: brown...ish 12. Family: i wanna he-bitch-man-slap em. except for your daddy
would you: 13. Be my friend? with benifits. lol 14 Keep a secret if i told u one? yes, and it also depends of what this secret was about 15. Hold my hand? if you needed me too 16. Take a bullet for me? yes 17. Keep in touch? i would like to 18. Try to solve my problems? yup 19. Love me? like a fat kid loves cake! 20.Date me? no...
Have you ever: 21. Lied to make me feel better? i try not to 22. Wanted to kiss me? LOL no 23. Wanted to kill me? no 24. Broke my heart? ..not that i know of 25. Kept somethin important from me? i dont think so. well maybe 26. Thought i was unbearably annoying? no
and more: 27. Who are you? meg! 28. Are we friends? yeah! 29. Descibe me in one word: creamy 30. What was your first impression? that hyper girl in the 5th grade 31. Do you still think that way about me? lol, sometimes 32. What reminds you of me? alot of things. i dont know what they are. everynow and then its like, hey the reminds me of jess 33. If you could give me anything what would it be? happiness 34. How well do you know me? pretty well 35. When's the last time you saw me? thursday at the fair 36. Ever wanted to tell me somethin but couldn't? yea 37. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what i say about you? only if your gunna reply to it
2. i kissed you: go: uhhhhhh....ok...
3. i lived next door to you: come sit in your window at night and watch you until you wake up. lol
4. i started smokin: send you nicotin gum
5. i stole somethin: make you tell me how
6. i was hospitalized: send you a basket of lilies
7. i ran away from home: let you hang out over hur but not for to long cuz you just can run away from things
8. i got in a fight and you weren't there? go find the mofo and help you beat the **** outa em
whatt do you think about my:
9. Personality: mm bubbly
10. Eyes: open, like all seeing kinda
11. Hair: brown...ish
12. Family: i wanna he-bitch-man-slap em. except for your daddy
would you:
13. Be my friend? with benifits. lol
14 Keep a secret if i told u one? yes, and it also depends of what this secret was about
15. Hold my hand? if you needed me too
16. Take a bullet for me? yes
17. Keep in touch? i would like to
18. Try to solve my problems? yup
19. Love me? like a fat kid loves cake!
20.Date me? no...
Have you ever:
21. Lied to make me feel better? i try not to
22. Wanted to kiss me? LOL no
23. Wanted to kill me? no
24. Broke my heart? ..not that i know of
25. Kept somethin important from me? i dont think so. well maybe
26. Thought i was unbearably annoying? no
and more:
27. Who are you? meg!
28. Are we friends? yeah!
29. Descibe me in one word: creamy
30. What was your first impression? that hyper girl in the 5th grade
31. Do you still think that way about me? lol, sometimes
32. What reminds you of me? alot of things. i dont know what they are. everynow and then its like, hey the reminds me of jess
33. If you could give me anything what would it be? happiness
34. How well do you know me? pretty well
35. When's the last time you saw me? thursday at the fair
36. Ever wanted to tell me somethin but couldn't? yea
37. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what i say about you? only if your gunna reply to it
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