SOOooo, yesterday i went to katy mills with emily, lauren, and benji. We had a good time and lots of random fun. Yay for fun. I bought two cd's. Umm, Submersed and Still Remains. They made me happy because i like them both a lot. I like when i make good judgments.
I feel good. I went to the track with megan tonight. The first time all summer that i actually ran for a cause. We arrived at the track around 8:10 and left around 9:10. I really planned on doing more but i guess it's still good. We saw juan alaniz and jessica miranda and her youngest sister. We sprinted four 100's, did 5 bleachers, and 2 laps. I sooo needed more time. Well, also if i didn't screw around as much i could have done more too...
Anyways, summer's going alright. Hope y'alls is too!