Please don't start another entry with the word "today"

Feb 20, 2008 19:05

To--*cough* I mean, um, on this 24-hour span of time which I've loosely dubbed "Wednesday", I, uh, did stuff. Yes. I am proud of the stuff I did, though it is hardly blog worthy. Mostly dishes. Loooots of dishes. Some laundry. Some cooking. I have discovered that I have a great love of currants, and have made some truly delicious currant/apple/macadamia nut muffins that I am trying not to snarf down at an unhealthy rate. I also cooked myself some greens for the first time in forever. Turnip greens actually aren't that bad--not nearly as bitter as I expected--though I liked them a lot better once I put them over some yummy basmati rice. So far I haven't been particularly successful in lessening the number of grains I'm consuming, but I have at least upped the numbers of veggies considerably. In fact I feel like pretty much all I ever eat are green things, rice products, spelt toast, and apples. That said, I can think of worse ways to live.

And to--*cough* I mean, um, this 24-hour span of time known generally as "Wednesday" I also WROTE SOMETHING. I know, try not to faint. It wasn't a very big something, but it was the beginning of another short story. (That makes three that I've started now...) I'm not sure if it's going anywhere but it felt good to write it all the same. And it was a pretty good chunk of text, too, if I do say so myself. (Which of course I would be, since I generally am not anybody but myself) I'm hoping I have enough energy and willpower to get into the habit of writing every night I come home after work, with the exception of weekends, naturally, since they are exhausting and I get home very late. (Speaking of which-- one of my favorite baggers is absent tomorrow and I'll only get to see the other one for an hour and 45 minutes! Tragedy! Woe! Sadness! etc. [insert flailing here]) Hopefully I can actually start to make some progress and start FINISHING some things I start and maybe, JUST MAYBE, I can actually make some money off these things. Like, wow. What a concept. *eyeroll* Not to mention it's kind of hard to podcast every week about writing when you're not actually doing any writing. Small but important caveat right there.

OK. It's really cold down here and I hear the call of some of that aforementioned toast. Oh, did I mention I also listened to some more Japanese lessons today? After putting them off for almost a year now? Yup! I did very good today. =D I even tried to listen to a new Italian podcast, but for some reason my brain rejected it utterly. Another day, perhaps. I'll stick with Japanese for now, since I seem to be well suited to it, and try and get my multi-lingual bagger to keep teaching me German. So far I've think I remember how to say "half", "yes", "thank you", and "good afternoon" and I think I'm pronouncing "good evening" right but I need to double check. Not the world's fastest language course certainly but it's definitely fun. =D I'll have to get him to pick up the pace though since he is abandoning me this spring for YET MORE TRAVEL. CURSE YOU, BOY. (Just kidding. =D)

Ja ne!

japanese, food, job, podcast, friends, writing, happiness, cooking, dead robots society

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