Turn out the lights

Feb 12, 2008 19:06

Had a lovely day today, though my legs are quite sore from spending most of my breaks standing around at Starbucks talking to the staff. They were worth it though. =D Lovely people, always fun to talk to. Even better, the entire store lost power three times today! It was very windy outside so I think some of the wiring got crossed and we actually were plunged into total blackness several times. It was awesome. I just wish that it had lasted longer, like half an hour instead of just two minutes. :( I want to run around and play in the dark grocery store. =P

Got to see my friends today. They are all well and just as kickass as ever. My day was otherwise totally unremarkable. I've settled into quite a routine down there, which in some ways is good and in others makes things boring if the folks I like aren't around to keep me entertained. Looking forward to Thursday, though. I can't wait to see all the Valentine's Day madness and also we get to wear pink and red shirts if we want! Squee. I get to go in and be PINK. Mwahahaha. And then all the cool V-day stuff will be on sale on Friday so maybe I'll get myself some flowers and balloons, just for kicks. I think this will be the first Valentine's Day that I've even noticed was there in a VERY long time. I wonder what craziness the customers will get up to...

Anyway. That's pretty much all that happened. I'm tired but happy, and finally feeling better. I think my cold is letting go, which means I can get back to doing voice work tomorrow. By this time next week I should be at full strength again. I feel quite kickass at the moment, actually. Today's lovely weather helped-- spring is definitely on its way, and I can't wait. Spring is my favorite season and I'd like to see the effect it has on the customers, too. I think they'll probably be a lot more relaxed and making more small trips in and out instead of constantly putting off shopping and then stocking up on Sunday or Saturday with MASSIVE double wide cart fulls of crap. Anyway, that's my theory, we'll see how it holds up. At any rate I'm looking forward to nicer weather and maybe some more shopping just to make sure I've got enough spring clothes. ;) One can't be too careful, y'know.

Summary: Today was awesome. Life is good. I feel like jumping up and down and giggling for no real reason. Yup. She's baaack...

job, friends, happiness

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