Dec 03, 2007 15:11
I had a fantastic weekend this week. Saturday I worked the longest shift I've ever done-- 9 and 1/2 hours. Not doing that again. While on the one hand I got to work longer on Saturday, one of my favorite days at my place of employment, oh my god was it painful. And exhausting. Nope, definitely not doing that again. However! The discomfort and fatigue I endured was greatly lightened by the fact that some of my favorite co-workers ever were present and the planets aligned in just the right way so we all got to go on break together! =D Major awesomeness. We all got together and dared one of the courtesy clerks to chug this really disgusting soda that tasted a lot like molasses. It was the first time I've ever done anything like that, and it was really fun. Between all of us, I think that kid made almost $4.50, and he actually didn't throw up afterwards! That takes stamina. XD Did I mention I had a lot of fun? Heehee.
It's so cool having friends at work. When I was hired, I never expected to like anybody, much less make friends, so it's quite the pleasant surprise. Anyway, I have two good friends now, plus a new one I made on Saturday. The first is a courtesy clerk who unfortunately only works weekends. He rocks, and makes me laugh/actually enjoy my job. I look forward to seeing him every week. The second is my favorite supervisor. She very nifty and is almost single handedly responsible for me knowing how to do my job and also keeping me at my job. And I made a new friend too, which will be nice on the days when my other good friend isn't available. (Confused yet? =D) I don't know him very well yet, but he seems nice and is also pretty funny. Especially when people buy packages of coffee. *grin*
Sunday was a lot of fun too, since aforementioned good friend was there, even if favorite supervisor was not. Again, I was pretty tired afterwards, but it truly was an exceptionally fun day. Hopefully my friend and I didn't freak out the customers too much. =D They seemed OK with our silliness, though, which is good, since there was much silliness to go around. Mwahaha. We're a dangerous combination. Not only do I have a knack for turning any lane I'm stationed at into some sort of weird grocery store Bermuda Triangle, but adding my good friend into the mix is sort of like throwing giant cannisters of confetti with sticks of dynamite strapped to the bottom into the churning whirlpools. Now there's a mental image for ya. XD
Anyway. Today is basically a chance for me to rest and catch up on chores, which I probably need to get back to. Not much of interest has happened, unless you count me getting the Gold Statue in the Bolivia level of Tomb Raider: Legend, and I also have to make an important decision: Food vs. A nap. Who knows which one I'll choose? *de-materializes*
tomb raider,