(no subject)

May 12, 2010 23:26

I wish this was an iPhone but an iPod touch is the next best thing, right? Typing is way easier than I thought it would be.. Makes me want an iPhone even more.. Thinking maybe Joe and I will do it as a wedding gift to ourselves next year. Some people have babies, we get iPhones.

Things are rocking. My mom has been in town for my graduation, and it's been an awesome visit. Walked at my bacchelors degree ceremony and even though it was long and boring Im glad I did it. I can't believe what an awesome supportive family I have. Even my dad. I really thought he would chicken out since my mom was there but both my dad and Vicki made it... I'm really lucky. I feel like I'm marrying into literally the most incredible family. Joes mom and aunt threw me the best party and were so hospitable to my dad. I really don't know if I will ever be able to show them how thankful I am for them... Not to get cliche but I'm crazy blessed.

Also... I found my wedding dress!! I would really like to post pictures but I don't want Joe to somehow stumble upon them.. guess I will have to wait till the wedding. It's literally perfect. I never thought I would love my dress as much as I do. I'm so excited to wear it!!

Things are good!

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via ljapp

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