Mar 15, 2009 17:15
oh my gawsh!!
i'm getting sick of getting sick on vacation. got home from my cruise on friday. monday and tuesday was fun. dancing at the club at night, beaching in the day. got a tan. food was awesome. wasn't even self-conscience in my swim suit (until i saw the pictures later). then wednesday. we were in nassau and we weren't there even 1 hour when bonnie started to complain of feeling nauseous. i though she was just dehydrated so we sat down and she drank a bottle of water. we went into senior frogs (the only place i could drink legally) and i proceeded to knock a few back. i didn't really know how bad bon felt until she was crying (she and i react to sickness the same). we were on our way back to the boat when she started to throw up on the side of the sea wall. poor thing! i though maybe she just ate something bad until we went down to the infirmary (because she couldn't stop throwing up). so she somehow got a GI disease that i guess is kinda common on cruises. and guess what's better? we had to be isolated in our room so that she didn't infect anyone else... and i had to because they assumed at already had it (and just wasn't showing symptoms.
so began our 2 days of seclusion. i felt fine until the next day when i felt a head cold coming on. i swear there was mold in our stateroom.. it even smelt funny. when we were in the infirmary they had given bonnie anti-nausea meds and NaCl solution for the dehydration via IV so she was pretty tired and slept something like 18 hours. i was pretty sleepy, too which was surly my body fighting off whatever was going to come. it sucked but friday morning i was looking forward to getting off the boat and into my bee buns arms.
until i started throwing up. it was awful. (GROSS ALERT): i could even identify the previous night's dinner. steak in case you were wondering. i also went down to the infirmary to get my complimentary IV (thank god it was complimentary). i have never been so uncomfortable. i was achy from the fever and just wanted to be in my own bed but of course we had to still be driven from cape canavral to orlando (45 minutes) then i had to drive from orlando to st. petersburg (1.5 hours). longest trip of my life. did i mention there was a traffic jam in tampa that day around 1pm ?! my meds wore off somewhere around lakeland so i pulled over once but decided i'd get home faster if i just threw up in a bag while i drove.
(GROSSNESS IS OVER): thankfully my honey was at my apartment when i got home to take care of me. he's an angel. sorry i was so detailed but really it was therapeutic. i've been sleeping kinda non-stop since i got home (had to call into work) so i feel a little bit in a haze. in fact, wednesday-friday felt kinda like a bad dream.
a quick recap about sarah's birthday... i threw her a surprise party last saturday (before the cruise). i wanted to write about it in here but of course i couldn't in case she just happened to read it. it went well and she was very surprised. joe cooked everything and it we delicious! he was a big help.
ok back to life!