It's all Sir Terence of Wogan's fault - and Sam's for coming home later than 7.00pm - that I've ended up getting interested in the current series of Celebrity Masterchef. I only started watching it in its second week, which is a shame as - the two presenters aside - I'm really enjoying it. The task the semi-finalists were given yesterday with the army cadets was a really good challenge, not only because of the way they were forced to cook in rather extreme conditions, but also because it tested them on thinking through fitting the right menu to the right audience.
But what the hell was going on tonight?
What on earth is the point of setting the various tasks and then ignoring the results of them so that the two presenters can just put their favourites through to the final? Craig and Emma failed miserably on the task yesterday, and were by far the worst cooks today - and yet the two presenters put Craig through and nearly knocked Midge (who performed really well on the cadet thing despite under performing today) out! Although I thought Emma deserved to go (because she chose an even more inappropriate menu than Craig yesterday and failed to cook her food properly today) surely consideration for the drop should have been given to Craig rather than Midge, based on their overall performance? This just suggests to me that however well the other two do in the final, Craig might end up winning it. I hope not.
Anyhoo, I'm rooting for Nadia to win because she really hasn't put a foot wrong in the semi-finals (and she cooks the kind of food I'd really enjoy eating!). Oh and she's the only woman left.