Below-Standard Benji

Nov 15, 2011 08:40

My lesson yesterday afternoon earned me the hallowed grading of "BS", which in CELTA parlance stands for "Below Standard", although I'm pretty sure that we all know exactly what else it stands for. To be honest, I'm not really fussed. You can pass a CELTA course with about five BSs, and considering you teach ten lessons throughout, and one of them isn't assessed, I like those odds. Oh, plus the fact that I've only got one more lesson to teach, as well, that helps.

Of course, it would be nice if my last lesson was "to standard", or "S" as they so eloquently put it, because I'd hate to see what they'd do to me if my final lesson isn't up to scratch. Something halfway between crucifixion and trapping me inside every mirror, I shouldn't wonder. And it would have been a nice thing to get a clean sweep of Ss through the entire course, but one really doesn't have any effect on anything. I could still get a Pass A on this thing.

(I won't, though, 'cause it's me, innit?)

In any case, this is the final week and I have one more lesson to plan. For Thursday. I figure that if I start it now, then I'll have two days to check it with my tutor, and he won't tell me to change half the lesson about 30 minutes before the lesson itself starts... which is what happened yesterday, which is probably why it was BS'd. Of course, the fact that I'm probably not a very good teacher may have been a contribution to that as well... what's that, Sooty? None of it's my fault, you say? You think it's the fact that the coursebook is a bit lame, a vocab lesson is a dumb thing to teach and I shouldn't be changing the lesson that late on? Oh, really? Gosh, I'd never thought of taking that stance before.

We're winding down. Today I get all my assignments back. I'll let you know how many of those I have to redo in due course, yeah?
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