Title: Theories of Relativity Author: PookaSeraph Rating: PG Pairings: McKay/Sheppard and Shawn/Carlton Summary: Atlantians on vacation in Santa Barbara
I'd been kicking around the idea of Sheppard-Spencer cousins (Shawn's mom is a Sheppard, of course) for a little while and regann eventually smacked me around to write it out. I'm even neglecting other fics I'm supposed to be working on because of the brain worm it provided.
I am seriously rolling on the floor laughing here. Holy shit. I keep having to correct my typos this is so classic.
I just. I. I bow to you. Yes.
Rodney? Spot on. Shawn was perfect, and I <3<3 the Rodney and Carlton interaction. :D The hair theories... Oh god. Shawn's mannerisms were spot on, like I said; I loved the framing of the word on the window to answer the question, and the physical nature of all of his replies... Yes. Yes.
Besides which, you used a typically trite plot device - two characters are related - and pulled it off smoothly. Kudos to you!
You must continue with these people or I will kill you. Honestly, is there ever a pair with more potential humor than Rodney and Shawn in a room? :D:DDDDD you can tell who i luv, right. right.
It started as a little 'character exercise' mostly and ballooned out. It is a little trite but I was glad to not do much plot-heavy-lifting. That and all four of our heroes should totally be hanging out more often! I haven't committed to more sga/psych but I think the idea is hilarious.
Just wait until people realize Sheppard got the gene from *some* side of his family *innocent whistle*.
"Gus, check it out, I got this thingy at a yard sale! It floats and makes totally awesome colors!"
I'm pretty sure Ronon would love to get to know Shawn, or at the very least Shawn's cooking.
i have no other SGA icon at the moment. for shame.vividerApril 11 2007, 04:12:23 UTC
Sometimes, stress relief no plot writing is the best kind. I certainly tend to think so. Once in a while the object of reading is to not think. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
And I totally didn't think about that. XD I think Carlton's flat, "You're still not psychic," response would be the best. Aside from which... don't let Shawn in the weapons launching chair. Ever. Although, Rodney might fall over himself trying to recruit Shawn - "All you'd have to do is touch things! They'd light up, and... possibly kill you - but, other galaxy! That's worth it, isn't it?"
Ronon and Shawn would have amazing conversations, undoubtedly inspired by Shawn's cooking, as you suggest. And lol at Teyla learning of pineapples.
Comments 43
I love you for this! :D
Shawn and John as cousins! I squeeked in laughter and had to defend myself against many questioning looks.
Never would I have though an Atlantis/Psych crossover possible, but i'm glad you proved me wrong.
Mostly I'm a freak :)
I just. I. I bow to you. Yes.
Rodney? Spot on. Shawn was perfect, and I <3<3 the Rodney and Carlton interaction. :D The hair theories... Oh god. Shawn's mannerisms were spot on, like I said; I loved the framing of the word on the window to answer the question, and the physical nature of all of his replies... Yes. Yes.
Besides which, you used a typically trite plot device - two characters are related - and pulled it off smoothly. Kudos to you!
You must continue with these people or I will kill you. Honestly, is there ever a pair with more potential humor than Rodney and Shawn in a room? :D:DDDDD you can tell who i luv, right. right.
Just wait until people realize Sheppard got the gene from *some* side of his family *innocent whistle*.
"Gus, check it out, I got this thingy at a yard sale! It floats and makes totally awesome colors!"
I'm pretty sure Ronon would love to get to know Shawn, or at the very least Shawn's cooking.
And I totally didn't think about that. XD I think Carlton's flat, "You're still not psychic," response would be the best. Aside from which... don't let Shawn in the weapons launching chair. Ever. Although, Rodney might fall over himself trying to recruit Shawn - "All you'd have to do is touch things! They'd light up, and... possibly kill you - but, other galaxy! That's worth it, isn't it?"
Ronon and Shawn would have amazing conversations, undoubtedly inspired by Shawn's cooking, as you suggest. And lol at Teyla learning of pineapples.
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