Here's the article I'm writing about:
Catholic bishops will fight Obama on - 'Bishop Joseph Martino of Scranton, Pa., singled out Vice President-elect Biden, a Catholic, Scranton native who supports abortion rights."I cannot have a vice president-elect coming to Scranton to say he's learned his values there when those values are utterly against the teachings of the Catholic Church," Martino said. The Obama-Biden press office did not immediately respond to a request for comment'
'Naumann has said repeatedly that Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, a Catholic Democrat who supports abortion rights, should stop taking Holy Communion until she changes her stance.'
OK. Just WOW.
Look your holy ignoramusi. For the last time.
Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion.
God himself is pro-choice. He has given us the ability to choose right and wrong and what we will do. That's his master plan, remember?
Urgh. This dictation and the idea of regulation and enforcement of morality is so anti-Christian it really makes me wonder how we can consider ourselves civilized and intelligent beings.
Where's the love people? Take a closer look at what Jesus stood for. Who Jesus used to go to, who he used to speak to, and the people he used to comfort and forgive. These were sick, broken, and hurting people. Poor people, and even prostitutes. Do you think for one second that abortions and birth control didn't happen back in his time? Did Jesus run around condemning or did he spend more of his time providing, healing and forgiving?
Well, maybe someone gets it after all...
'"We must act and be perceived as acting as caring pastors and faithful teachers," said Bishop Blase Cupich of Rapid City, S.D.Dr. Patrick Whelan, a pediatrician and president of Catholic Democrats, said angry statements from church leaders were counterproductive and would only alienate Catholics. "We're calling on the bishops to move away from the more vicious language," Whelan said. He said the church needs to act "in a more creative, constructive way," to end abortion.'
Let's hope that he means to create more support for the needy, more alternatives, and more love... rather than more legislation, bad mouthing, ex-communication and strong-arming.
The luv -
Just liek teh bukkit.
Iz Missing.