Aug 12, 2008 10:24
So, unemployment is up. Congress has passed extended unemployment benefits, which means people who are on unemployment get 13 weeks of additional benefits... whether or not their amount is increased as well, I'm unsure.
SEA (self employment assistance) benefits are currently closed. Whereas Pennsylvania typically gets 3.5 million per year to fund programs to help unemployed people start their own business in PA, this year they received a meagre 300 thousand. The funds probably went for tax stimulus, or unemployment extensions. I guess it really doesn't make sense to fund brand new businesses when so many businesses are closing due to the current economic hardships this country is facing. It doesn't make sense, but how else are we going to help the unemployment rate if while many established businesses are closing and new ones cannot afford to start up?
Finally, the biggest thing that burns my brain... Congress is pushing the president to force the SPR to sell us a million barrells of oil a day. The SPR is our federal emergency supply stockpile. If the US consumes 20 million barrels a day, and the SPR currently holds 700 million barrels, the supply would last the US barely 35 days. If it is for emergency and national guard use, it will last longer, but it is there to ensure that we don't have a further crisis on our hands. Cutting into this supply may lower gas prices by about 5 or 10 cents per gallon.
Again, another example of how American thinking is slitting our own economical throat. I'm going to cut into my savings, so that I can afford that extra trip to the mall, so that I can afford the butter on my popcorn, so that I can afford to buy dodgers tickets. Well, I'm short for my mortgage this week. I guess I might as well buy that dvd player I need. I'll be sure that I make it up next week.
I still see too many people driving around in their monster SUVs for me to believe that there is a real gas crisis. Yes, the "gas crisis" has affected the poor, the ones who cannot afford to get to their doctors appointments, it has raised bus, taxi and greyhound prices. But look out there. Quite honestly, I don't think the gas crisis has hit us hard enough. Not enough people are suffering yet. There are still plenty of people driving around out there at one person per four-wheel-drive vehicle. Hey, America, have you heard of these things called carpooling? Riding a bicicle? Taking a bus or train? Have you even seen what rush hour looks like in other countries? Pedestrians, busses and bicycles everywhere!
Last I heard, Americans still pay the lowest gas prices compared to other countries, so why are we still complaining? It's because someone took our free lunches away, isn't it? Now we've got to pay $5 for lunches, or plan ahead.
Grow up, America!