If there's not a Japanese Haiku that roughly translates as:
Only one ice cube
will turn steaming hot ramen
into tepid meal
There really should be
The fretting was for naught. I was one of the top five, but not one of the top two. I did not get a call for the 'castic job. It's times like these that I truly believe the universe knows what it is doing.
Instead of dancing the all-day public transit polka*, this time I drove to the second interview, and my car had real issues with the commute. On no less than five separate occasions on the 279 I had to put on my flashers and get into the slow lane with all the truckers because Wanda just did not want to go more than 25 mph up those hills. Not the kind of wear and tear that I'd wish to inflict upon my dear fluid leaking, senior member of our family.
(*Even though the public transit time should have only taken two hours each way, mid day connections are intermittent, and last time the ride in took three hours and the ride back took over four. Did I mention the three miles of walking, hours of standing and resultant bloody feet?)
My alternative being at least a thirteen hour work day every day, I really don't think I'm up to that right now.
Today I went to my next appointment with the OVR (office of vocational rehabilitation.) I took the interest and ability tests and I got some interesting results. My report was repaste with such things as: singer, poet/lyricist, writer, sketch artist, choreographer, dancer, anthropologist, elementary art teacher, and psychologist.
Knowing that I am a very impatient person who cannot teach a stitch of knitting to another human without getting flustrated at myself because I cannot seem to successfully transfer any stitch of knowledge from my head to theirs, we'll cross off the careers that require a moderate amount of patience and human understanding.
Next we cross off the careers that require more mobility that I am capable of. We are essentially left with: singer, poet/lyricist, writer, and sketch artist.
Funny that. Has anyone seen
http://www.RebekahFaith.com lately?
AYFKM - Are you kidding me? I just can't contain myself. Oh, the irony.
So I took one second and showed my results and my website to the career workshop instructor. She told me that what I need to do is to enter my work into contests. Damn. All this time. After years of ill-suited jobs and career turns that chose me as if I were the last remaining burnt out pokemon in their ill-fated battle with the world; All I'm looking for to find the keys to my success as a person who chooses the career that they are well-suited for (like any normal college-bound high school hopeful) are contests to enter? Is it really that simple? *shakes head*
Stewing on that for a bit....
Came back home, cleaned for hours, helped room-mate move in until about 1:30 am, took bath, went to bed. -woke up at 5 am from pain, and started typing this blog.
Come to think of it: When I legitimately have a broken toe, and my knees, ankles, and hip hurts more than my toe, it's time to break out the doctor's number and make another appointment. ASAP.
I know what I need to do to solve 75% of my medical issues. I need to diet and I need to excercise. Preferably starting with a bona-fide physical therapist.
I need to start taking care of myself better.
Again, I am so excited to have this room-mate moving in. Already it has forced us to start making things habitable around here. We will have someone more than able-bodied around, I may even have someone that might walk with me.
And I believe this is someone whose very energy will help me beat back the law of chaotic entropy which for the last four years has been sending free radicals on search and destroy missions targeting every last calm and orderly cell in my body.
There was another haiku that was tickling my brain when I started typing this blog, but alas... it has gone off and found greener pastures.
Oh well. I guess I'll try to go back to sleep, maybe in the land of sand I will be able to chase it down.